Laser Vein Treatment

Laser Vein Therapy for face and body available at New Creations MediCosmetic Centre here in Niagara Falls, ON.

Advanced technologies used to remove unsightly veins

New Creation MediCosmetic Centre Vein Treatment services showcase our commitment to providing advanced solutions for various vascular and pigmented lesions. With the recent upgrade to the Excel V+ laser system, along with the Xeo CoolGlide Nd: YAG laser system we offer state-of-the-art Laser Vein Therapy and treatment for a range of indications. Compressive sclerotherapy by the talented Dr. Kelada-Sedra may also be combined into treatment plans customized to your needs. 

The Excel V+ laser system featuring CoolView, GenesisV, and Dermastat handpieces is at the forefront of laser technology, harnessing the power of both 532nm and 1064nm wavelengths to address a diverse array of skin concerns in all skin types. This cutting-edge system allows us to precisely target and treat vascular and pigmented lesions, and rejuvenate the skin to promote clearer, more even-toned skin. With treatment options ranging from Laser Genesis, Green Genesis, Laser Vein Therapy, and spot treatment of lesions. In addition to the Excel V+ laser system, we also utilize the Xeo CoolGlide with Nd: YAG 1064nm technology. This advanced laser system is particularly effective for pigmented and vascular lesion treatments.

Safely and effectively treat:

  • Periorbital veins & facial telangiectasia
  • AV Malformations
  • Leg veins – spider, reticular, and deeper blue leg veins
  • Cherry/Strawberry Angiomas 
  • Port Wine Stain
  • Hemangioma
  • Venous Lakes
  • Bruising
  • Rosacea
  • Diffuse Redness
  • Matting
  • Poikiloderma
  • Dyschromia
  • Seborrheic Keratosis 
  • Melasma
  • Verrucae (warts)
  • Active/ Inflammatory acne
  • Skin tags
  • Nevus of Ota & Nevus of Hori

    Say goodbye to unwanted veins, pigmented lesions, and other vascular concerns by scheduling a consultation with our expert team at New Creation MediCosmetic Centre. Let us guide you toward clear, radiant skin with our Excel V+ laser system and advanced Xeo CoolGlide technology.

Laser Vein Treatment:

New Creation Medi Cosmetic has Cutera gold standard Excel V dual-length laser that offers precision and effective treatment to vascular & pigmented lesions both on the face & other body parts.

Again you will be under the care of a trained physician and you will be assessed whether you are a suitable candidate for either compressive sclerotherapy, laser vein treatment, or EVLT (endovenous laser therapy.)

Looks are deceiving. While you might be seeking treatment for a simple port wine stain, the careful scrutiny of a trained physician will detect melanoma in situ or nonmelanoma skin cancer-like basal cell ca in what appears to be a port wine stain. 

A full medical history & examination allows the doctor to determine any preliminary tests required prior to choosing the optimal safe approach to treat your veins.

What veins do you treat?

Cool glide Xeo & Excel V Dual wave Laser can safely and effectively treat If you think that you have limited options for vein treatment, think again. Excel V KTP 532nm multi-length laser & Xeo Nd: YAG 1064 nm can treat : 

Rosacea & diffuse redness.

Periorbital veins, telangiectasia

inflammatory acne, bruising 

Facial capillaries, venous lakes  & veins 

leg spider, reticular and deeper blue leg veins 

Strawberry angiomas  Port wine stains

Cherry angiomas, hemangioma .

AV malformation. 

age spots & scars.

Nevus of Ota & nevus of Hori

Simply said, we get rid of small superficial veins, background redness, and even spider veins in legs with Laser vein therapy or Sclerotherapy.

How is the Nevus of Ota diagnosed?

This appears like  hyperpigmentation of the skin near and around your eyes, While the diagnosis of nevus of Ota is usually made on appearance alone, they also might take a small biopsy of the skin to confirm the presence of numerous heavily-pigmented melanocytes. This is where you would benefit from treatment  diagnosing dermal melanocytosis.

When the conjunctiva is affected by pigmentation or there are multiple body parts with hyperpigmentation this patient requires further work up by ophthalmologist & dermatologist for a definitive diagnosis and one should not rush to treat the apparent hyperpigmentation.

  • nevus of Ito, hyperpigmentation of the arms, shoulders, underarms, and neck
  • nevus of Hori, a condition almost identical to nevus of Ota which affects both sides of the face
  • other forms of dermal melanocytosis that present in other locations
  • Pigmented nevi
  • Birthmarks
  • melasma

How is Nevus of Ota treated?

Laser treatments are the most effective corrective approach to nevus of Ota, to destroy the melanocytes that cause the bluish hyperpigmentation, and are most effective in individuals with lighter skin tones. Sometimes, the nevus of Ota can return even darker than its original hue.

Other anti-melanocytic measures & camouflaging cosmetics can provide adequate results.

Who can benefit from Excel V treatment?

Excel V with its multiple spot size is the new gold standard for treating abnormal blood vessels on the face. It’s safe for all skin types and skin tones, and it can be used anywhere on the face and body to treat pigmentation issues.

How does the laser work?

Both the KTP and long pulse Nd: YAG lasers can be used to trace the thread veins, which can be seen to immediately diminish after each laser shot. The high-energy laser causes the blood to coagulate (clot) & the vein collapses. This is almost like boiling an egg where the globin will clot & the pigment which is the haem will then separate. The white blood cells migrate to the treatment site to engulf the heam particles. Larger spot sizes can be used to treat diffuse redness. This can be done in the same session so that all sizes of blood vessels can be successfully treated.

How long does the treatment last and how does it feel?

Face treatment sessions are fast, usually taking 15–20 minutes. There’s minimal discomfort. The Saphire handpiece’s cooling mechanism prevents overheating. Parallel cooling with a roller & cold gel all aid in the patient’s comfort

What are the side effects?

Side effects, including redness and swelling, usually resolve within a few days. You can typically wear makeup and return to normal activities immediately. It’s normal for blood vessels to become darker—“bruise-like”—or more noticeable following treatment, before resolving after a few weeks. Avoiding direct sun exposure on the treated area for two weeks before and after treatment is recommended. The intense pulsed light (IPL) might be better treatment option for addressing Rosacea which is diffuse redness with localized telangiectatic blood vessels.

How quickly do you see treatment results?

The most noticeable result in leg veins is the improvement of leg fatigue & night pain.

Facial veins disappear more readily. Whereas leg veins almost always require multiple treatments 3-6 weeks apart. You always require maintenance therapy over the years.

Frequently Asked Questions

This treatment is for all skin tones and targets deep reticular veins, spider leg veins and facial telangiectasia, as well as other vascular lesions elsewhere in the body.

Most patients report experiencing a tingling, slight stinging sensation in the areas which they receive treatment. This is due to the pulses of energy that are delivered through the handpiece. Following your treatment session, pain is minimal to nonexistent.

Blood blisters or “hemangiomas” respond very well to CoolGlide Vein Therapy, usually with just one treatment. Patients with port-wine stains and other vascular lesions have been overwhelmed by the success of their CoolGlide vascular treatments.

Most patients find the treated veins have shown significant improvement within two to six weeks of treatment. However, your final results may not be apparent for several months.

Contact Us Today

For More Information about Laser Vein Removal Therapy, or to schedule an appointment, call us at (905) 937-9559 or click the button below to contact us online