Laser Hair Removal

Cutting-Edge Laser Hair Removal Treatments in Niagara Falls, ON.

Why Laser Hair Removal?

If you are sick of dealing with pesky hair & persistent stubble, laser Hair removal may be right for you. Gone are the days of waxing, tweezing, shaving & electrolysis: now, you have the power to pursue safe, longer-lasting results & by Cutera 1064nm Nd YAG 97% permanent hair reduction in most cases.

Laser hair removal is an extremely common cosmetic procedure across Canada, the United States & the world. Laser hair removal is both an FDA & Health Canada-approved treatment that can be customized for a variety of skin & hair types.

Cutera Nd: YAG was the first to market this powerful laser technology which is safe for all skin types.

What is the treatment?

Laser hair removal works by delivering Laser light energy to hundreds of hair follicles at a time. New Creation Medicosmetic proudly uses the Cutera® CoolGlide Laser to effectively treat an area in just seconds. CoolGlide Systems works by disabling the hair that is principally in the active growth phase at the time of treatment. 

How does the process work?

The hair follicle is damaged by the laser, reducing the appearance of the existing hair and preventing new hair from growing in the permanently damaged hair follicle  Multiple treatments compound to disable all the hair follicles in a given area. The unique design and longer wavelength of CoolGlide Laser ensure extremely effective, safe, and permanent results. Typically, laser light requires pigment to target its beam.  Laser is ineffective in absence of pigment i.e. white hair. The darker & coarser the hair the better the absorption of laser light & the better the treatment outcome.

What areas can be treated?

CoolGlide Laser System can remove hair from all parts of the body and all skin tones, from light to dark safely due to its longer wavelength. Additionally, unlike other systems, CoolGlide Lasers can treat the fine hair on a woman’s upper lip just as easily and effectively as the coarse hair on a man’s back.

Small Medium Large Extra Large
Brows Bikini Brazilian Full Arms and Hands
Chin Face and Neck Chest Full Back
Ears Navel Half Arms Full Legs
Feet Underarms Half Back
Hands Buttocks Half Legs
Neck Shoulders
Upper Lip Stomach

How is the treatment provided?

Most areas require three to six treatments, but the number of CoolGlide Laser treatments you may require for optimal long-term benefits depends on various factors such as your hair’s thickness, the area treated, and your hair’s growth cycle. Treatment sessions are scheduled at 6-week intervals. for most body parts. 

What does the procedure feel like?

The CoolGlide Laser System handpiece cools while it glides along your skin while delivering light energy to hundreds of hair follicles at a time. When the pulse of light is delivered, patients experience a pinching or stinging sensation. No local anesthesia or pain medication is required. Some patients experience tenderness & redness in the treated area for 4-8hours post-treatment.

What is the treatment recovery process?

Immediately following your CoolGlide treatment, the area may appear a bit red and swollen. Between treatments, you should not wax or pluck your hair, but shave if you have to.

Following the treatment, you can return to your normal activities right away. The use of sunscreen is recommended on any treated areas exposed to the sun. It is always a good idea to limit your sun exposure.

Although patients experience few side effects, the most common are slight reddening or swelling of the skin, similar to a sunburn. These effects typically last for several hours or less. In rare instances, blistering may occur.

Who can be treated by this wave length?

Cutera cool glide Xeo 1064 Nd YAG is safe for all skin types.

What is unique at New Creation Medi Cosmetic Centre about LHR?

Boils down to the fact you are not in a Spa but in a medical facility. DR Kelada-Sedra & her team employ the use of their Genesis technology to deal with ingrown hair, discoloration, pseudofolliculitis Barbea, pseudofolliculitis pubis & pseudofolliculitis corporis.

What other condition can benefit from laser removal?

Laser hair removal can help in minimizing the recurrence of Pilonidal sinus, ameliorate Hidradenitis suppurativa & treat the build-up around the hair follicles.

Frequently Asked Questions

Laser hair removal can help in minimizing the recurrence of Pilonidal sinus , ameliorate Hidradenitis suppurativa & treat the build up around the hair follicles  

The CoolGlide handpiece cools and glides along your skin. When the pulse of light is delivered, patients experience a pinching or stinging sensation. No local anaesthesia or pain medication is required.

Most areas require three to six treatments, but the number of CoolGlide treatments you may require for optimal long-term benefits depends on various factors such as your hair’s thickness, the area treated and your hair’s growth cycle. CoolGlide Systems work by disabling the hair that is principally in the active growth phase at the time of treatment. Multiple treatments compound to disable all the hair follicles in a given area.

Immediately following your CoolGlide treatment, the area may appear a bit red and swollen. Between treatments you should not wax or pluck your hair, but shave. Following the treatment, you can return to your normal activities right away. The use of sunscreen is recommended on any treated areas exposed to the sun. It is always a good idea to limit your sun exposure.

  1. Shaving, waxing and depilatory creams are all temporary methods, but CoolGlide Lasers produce lasting results.
  2. Electrolysis is a tedious, invasive and painful process that involves inserting a needle into each individual hair follicle and delivering an electrical charge to them one at a time. By delivering light energy to hundreds of hair follicles at a time, CoolGlide Lasers effectively treat an area in just seconds that would take over an hour with electrolysis.
  3. The CoolGlide System’s longer wavelength allows it to be used safely and effectively on patients with light or dark skin as well as tanned skin. Unlike other systems, CoolGlide Lasers can treat the fine hair on a woman’s upper lip just as easily and effectively as the coarse hair on a man’s back.

Contact New Creation MediCosmetic Centre For Laser Hair Removal

When you’re ready to kick your razors, waxes, and tweezers to the curb, the experts here are ready to make your smooth skin dreams come true with laser hair removal. Our friendly and highly trained staff will put you at ease from your first consultation all the way through to your final treatment.

Contact Us Today

For More Information about Laser Hair Removal, or to schedule an appointment, call us at (905) 937-9559 or click the button below to contact us online